Fraserburgh Golf Club Code of Conduct

Fraserburgh Golf Club is committed to providing an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and intimidation for members, employees and guests.
Members, guests and visitors are all reminded that an acceptable standard of behaviour is expected in all areas of the Club and course, at all times and that upon payment of membership or green fees, all members, guests and visitors have given their consent to be bound by both the restrictions and penalties which may be imposed for any breach of the club’s standards or serious misconduct in failing to meet the standards set in this Code of Conduct.
Members will be liable for any breach committed whether by themselves or their guests.
Fraserburgh Golf Club has adopted the following Code of Conduct as a Local Rule
On the course, All golfers must:
- All players are expected to play in The Spirit of the Game.
- Avoid slow play, apply Ready Golf principles and allow other golfers to play through as appropriate.
- Maintain a speed of play by keeping up with the group in front.
- Adhere to any applicable dress code and local rules of the course.
- Demonstrate fair play both on and off the course.
- Always follow established golf etiquette such as repairing pitch marks, replacing divots, raking bunkers.
- Showing the necessary respect to fellow golfers at all times, which incorporates; no shouting on the course, no misuse of equipment (i.e. throwing clubs in frustration etc.), no aggressive behaviour, or the taking of performance enhancing drugs.
- Conduct yourself in a sportsmanlike manner and do not knowingly cheat, disrespect employees. Officials or fellow players.
In the clubhouse and/or the Grounds of Fraserburgh Golf Club:
Members, guests and visitors are reminded that:
- Any form of discrimination, harassment or intimidation is regarded as unacceptable behaviour.
- Consumption of excessive quantities of alcohol is not permitted by law. Please do not be offended if service is refused
- The use of foul or abusive language such as swearing has no place in the clubhouse and any member heard using unacceptable or offensive language will be asked to either stop or leave the premises. Where someone is noticed to be consistently using bad language after being warned then their continued membership will be reviewed accordingly
- Smoking or the use of e-cigarettes is not permitted within any of the club buildings
- The taking of illegal substances will incur immediate suspension and loss of membership.
- The smoking of cigarettes or e-cigarettes is not permitted in the clubhouse
- Be considerate towards others when using your Mobile phone in the clubhouse
Whilst fully acknowledging that adult “banter” contributes to creating a healthy atmosphere among members, these rules are designed to safeguard others who find such banter offensive or intimidating. This Code of Conduct is not intended to create a bureaucratic, regulatory environment, but rather to promote and enhance our Club’s values.
A person engaging in any behaviour that may be detrimental to the game of golf or Fraserburgh Golf Club is in breach of the code of conduct and should be reported to the Club Captain.
It is in the best interests of the game that such behaviour is reported, and all players, members and members of the public are encouraged and have a duty to report such behaviour.